Interview tips

So, you’re feeling nervous about your interview? Great!

Nerves are completely natural, this shows that you’re passionate about the opportunity.

Please see below for our Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts for your interview.

Top 5 Do’s

  • Do come prepared – Research into the company and industry. Who are their competitors?
  • Do dress smart and professional (unless asked otherwise). First impressions are very important
  • Do have questions prepared for the interviewer. This will show that you’re interested
  • Do take some time to consider your answers and respond thoughtfully. You shouldn’t feel pressured to answer each question in rapid fire!
  • Do take time for pleasantries and a casual bit of social banter! You will hopefully be working with the interviewer in the future, your likeability is paramount

Top 5 Don’ts

  • Don’t be late! Make sure you allow for potential delays, plan your journey thoroughly and it maybe worth going on a practice run
  • Don’t forget the basics – Manners, eye contact, firm handshake.
  • Don’t speak negatively of former co-workers, employers or colleagues.
  • Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know the answer to a question, it’s better than making up an answer. Honesty is the best policy!
  • Don’t forget to highlight your biggest strengths. Why should they hire you?


Good luck!